Applications for Dust Extraction

Timber/Board Dust

Are you a Cabinetmaker, Furniture manufacturer or Shopfitter struggling to contain the mountains of dust your produce on a daily basis? Micronair offers you a range of extremely well-proven solutions…


Dust Plume (Power Decanting)

Decanting, mixing and packaging of fine powders presents dust control problems for a wide range of industries: food, chemicals, cosmetics, paint, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and more. Micronair has extensive experience in designing, producing and installing effective extraction systems…


Welding Fume

Welding fume exhaust requirements vary widely dependent on the factory layout, welding methods and source material. At Micronair we offer everything from professional portable units to central exhaust systems. We have a full range of Fan / Motor combinations to suit specific applications.


Concrete Dust

Cutting, grinding, sanding or manufacturing concrete products and need a solution for dangerous silica dust? Micronair can supply you with Festool power tool systems and/ or central extractors to capture dust at its source…


Agricultural Dust

Bagging fine Rice and Wheat flours, sorting and crushing beans, packaging seeds, kiln drying grains and loading trucks, trains or ships, – it all creates some serious dust – which Micronair can extract and capture for you…


Health & Safety

Providing solutions for a range of health and safety issues from inadequate ventilation to slipped hazards created by dusty floors, Micronair’s experience and product range mean we can find the right solution for you.
